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The Hero/Heroine’s Journey
December 12, 2020 - December 18, 2020

After this year are you feeling a call to live a deeper life more aligned with your passions?
Is life throwing you a curve ball, blocks or confusion?
Our journey through life’s challenges can be so much easier when we have a map, support and embodied experiences of the Hero/Heroine’s Journey!
Join us for an empowering week as we journey into exciting realms of body, mind and spirit to return with power, insight and a fresh start.

Encoded within the great stories of humankind are patterns of growth and transformation which we can draw upon as incredible resources in our own life journeys.
In the 20th Century Joseph Campbell published The Hero with a Thousand Faces which described the core pattern that is repeated in all the world’s great mythological stories across diverse cultures.
Then Maureen Murdock wrote The Heroine’s Journey about Woman’s quest to heal the deep wounding of her feminine nature on a personal, cultural, and spiritual level.
She undertakes this spiritual and psychological journey also based on universal cultural myths and legend to become whole, integrating all parts of her nature.
The reason all these stories share the same pattern is because they describe a psychological process of growth and maturing which is embedded in our DNA, just as learning to walk or talk is in our DNA.
Ancient cultures understood the importance of these psychological growth processes and used story, ceremony and initiation rituals to help guide people through the various challenges and trials that life throws at them.

Nowadays we lack such guidance and tribal support and many people are left struggling to figure it out on their own. If only they knew that countless generations of people have faced their own versions of these challenges and left a map for us to follow – the distilled wisdom of the elders encoded into stories and myths.
The Hero/Heroine’s Journey is a week workshop where we de-code and explore that ancient wisdom in a way that helps us overcome and triumph over our own trials and suffering through unlocking our own hidden inner (and outer) resources. As well as drawing on Joseph Campbell’s work, we also draw on Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey.
Investment: $1550 full, $1395 concession inc GST (Early Bird pricing to 15 Nov: $1450 full, $1295 concession)
Includes accommodation in Warburton, all meals, materials, facilitation and accommodation in shared rooms. Please contract us if you are experiencing financial hardship or are eligible for NDIS..
A $250 deposit will secure your place, payable by clicking on the link to the left. For any questions, call 0407 650 026 or email [email protected]
Cancellation Policy:
Refunds are available up to 21 days before this workshop date less 10% admin/banking fee. After these dates, 50% refund is available until 14 days before the start date of this workshop, when no refund is available. No refunds during or after the workshop.
What is the Hero/Heroine’s Journey?
The Journey goes through several stages before cycling back to the place where we started, in our own lives and communities, but transformed and bringing fresh gifts (resources). Those stages are different for the Masculine (Hero) and Feminine (Heroine):

- Hero: Starting Where We Are, in our ordinary everyday lives and The Call to Adventure. This may be an inner sense that something greater/deeper is calling us. Or it may be a response to a crisis which means that our old lives cannot continue in the same way. Heroine: Where Are We Now and Identification with the Masculine – achieving or attempting to achieve in a Masculine way in a Masculine world.
- Heroine: Awakening: Realizing the limitations of so-called success. The betrayal of self. Feelings of lostness,
spiritual aridity or death. Meeting with an old wise woman(s). Hero: Fear and Bravado. When we first think about stepping into the unknown, many fears arise. What if we are not up to the challenge? Perhaps we can keep on keeping on the way things were a little bit longer? Meeting the Mentor(s) – one who has walked this path before and can help guide us on our journey. Both: Crossing the Threshold: The point of commitment when we are ready to let go of what we have known.
- Both Hero and Heroine: Tests, Allies, Struggles. Our commitment is immediately tested and we grow through a series of challenges, getting stronger and meeting new allies on the way.
- Hero: Approaching the Inmost Cave. This may represent our core issues/wounding. As we approach, old fears start to arise and we may need further time and resources for preparation. Heroine: Initiation and descent to the Goddess: crisis and realisation that the Masculine strategies have failed. Attempts to reconnect with the Feminine.
Heroine: Reclamation: Healing the Mother/Daughter split. Reclaiming some of her initial values, skills or attributes (or those of others like her) but viewed from a new perspective. Healing the inner Wounded Masculine: Integration of masculine and feminine, to face the world or future with a new understanding of self and the world. Hero: The Ordeal. Bringing all our freshly won resources, allies and courage, we step into face the unknown that lies in the Inmost Cave. As we let go of our old avoidance strategies, core wounds emerge for healing and integration.
- Heroine: Seeing through the false binary “either/or” approaches and learning to interact with a world that includes us but is larger than our personal lifetime or geographical/cultural milieu. Hero: by being present through The Ordeal we are blessed with new gifts, clarity, insights, energy, ability to stay present and other resources. Both: Bringing our new treasures with us, we return to our relationships/communities to integrate and enrich them with what we have found.
During this retreat, you will have the opportunity to:
- Connect with and develop your own inner hero/heroine
- Discover fresh inner resources and sources of strength to overcome challenges
- Develop your own inner map for navigating through life
- Learn about and engage with your own feminine and masculine archetypes
- Be supported and held within circle in deep unflinching ways that nourish mind, body, emotions and soul
- Explore aspects of the sacred masculine and feminine in connection and communication
- Deepen awareness of your priorities and values and how to stand firmly in them in the world with compassion and personal power
- Touch upon the wild nature in us all
- Move forward with understanding and awareness to make positive changes in your life
- Connection, deep listening and inner awareness
- Individual and group work
- Stories and rituals for growth
- Process work
- Bodywork
- Shadow work
- Men’s business and women’s business and exploring how the Masculine and Feminine interact in healthy and unhealthy ways
- Deep relaxation and time in nature
- Embodiment and movement
- Sharing and circle time
To book call 0407 650 026 or email [email protected] or through the contact page.

Phoenix Arrien is passionate about supporting people’s journeys towards healing and transformation. She has over 25 years experience, providing sacred transformation and healing spaces for people to, heal and self-discover. Her training and experience includes Aus indigenous healing, Native American healing, Maori Bodywork, Cherokee bodywork, Jungian Psychology, shamanic healing, dance/movement, Adventure-based Counselling, Process Work, Voice Dialogue, Healing Ecology, Deep Ecology, writing and meditation.
She believes that safe space, sacred process, loving community and non-judgemental presence allows healing and transformation to emerge and deep profound change to occur.
Mike Lowe has over 20 years international experience leading transformational workshops in the areas of trustbuilding and reconciliation. He has worked with politicians and young leaders in Eastern Europe after the fall of communism and has worked with police and former militia leaders in Solomon Islands.
His particular gift is in creating safe spaces in which transformation can occur, and he has a particular interest in earth-based spirituality, indigenous wisdom, Process Work, Focussing, Voice-Dialogue, Archetypes, and supporting the rise of healthy and authentic Masculine and Feminine energies as we transition from Patriarchal and colonial ways of being.
“The work that Phoenix and Mike do is beyond your wildest dreams. A safe place to face that which scares you most and embrace that which empowers you and allows you to reconnect with your best self; one that you may have even forgotten. I feel so blessed that your paths have intertwined and will keep these magical souls in my heart and in my life.” – Anthea Merson
“Phoenix and Mike created and held a space which allowed me to go where traditional psychotherapy has not allowed me to go. Thank you. I have immense gratitude and respect for the work you both do with both love and compassion that is so evident. I felt safe and was able to openly express my emotions without fear or judgement among my tribe. I’m filled with a deep sense of calm and leave with an open heart and a thirst for gathering in your safe presence again.
I am lost for words to describe anymore of what I feel and have felt the past 48 hours so I shall leave it at that and sit with love, connection and warmth that is overflowing. With love and gratitude.” – Angela Scott.
“Your ability to create safe space, and hold it with and for our group was magical. I loved being in the bush environment, connecting so deeply and having opportunity to explore new paradigms. It was an amazing opportunity to feel and shift some old stuff in a such a real and safe way, and with such gentle and kind support.
As things are starting to settle and integrate, I’m really starting to notice some things that have changed and improved for me. Here’s a few of them:
- I haven’t had a migraine since leaving the retreat!! My longest break in years! Almost a miracle! I’m now re-pondering my migraine causes and management
- Feeling joy in simple things for the first time in years
- Feeling more playful – finding myself laughing more, and generally lighter & brighter
- Have been drawn back to Zumba, and am experiencing joy in dance again
- Feeling more confidence, inspiration, energy and enthusiasm
- Noticeable improvements in clarity in my thinking and ability to communicate
- I’ve had some interesting and very real conversations that I couldn’t have had before without experiencing emotional overwhelm.
- Feeling drawn to connect – reaching out to people that I’ve known for a while, but not really connected with. Generally, wanting to be around people more.
Much gratitude to you! I am very happy to recommend you, your retreats and your wonderful transformative work”– Denise Belling
“Thank you for providing this healing experience – I feel I have been connected to my inner self and believing now no matter what the circumstances I have the truth and strength to stand tall. I love me and I need to take care of her, we are all connected” – Jennie
‘I had little knowledge of what was in store for this retreat, but it exceeded anything I could have expected and needed. A wonderful balance of connecting with nature, connecting to self and most importantly being held so deeply in vulnerability. Thanks for offering such a powerful space for growth and nurturance.’ Ariana
‘A fantastic week in a fantastic location.’ Shauna Cotter