
Healing, Bodywork & Circles

Healing, Bodywork & Circles

Improve your life, resolve, be supported and free yourself of blocks, patterns and more that are causing pain, disturbance, difficulties or illness.

Feel deep profound openhearted support for your journey. All and anyone welcome!

In a safe, private space, using bodywork, energy, intuition, Aus Indigenous, Maori and/or Native American healing techniques, deep listening, safe space and other methods, I invite you to  journey into your deep healing and resolution.

Using bodywork, sacred ritual, relaxation and release, visualisation, deep presence, we touching the inner monstersallow hidden understanding to emerge around what is happening in your life. We journey together to let go of what you don’t need or may be blocking you or making your life harder than it needs to be, to discover more of the richer, deeper, authentic parts of you yearning to shine and flow.

Come and journey to the places of past and present healing, let your body release, recover and strengthen, feel empowered, allow magnificent flow in your life and have amazing self-awareness bring you the kind of life you yearn for.

I am highly intuitive and may sense and bring up aspects of your journey that can be safely discussed and supported or help you sense into your body, energy and ancestors. You are in control and you do the work with safety, support and love around you, as I believe that everyone can heal themselves. It is often safety, support and non-judgemental listening that is missing…it is here for you!

Benefits include:

Moving forward in your life

Physical easing of tension, pain or achesphoenixbirdphoto copy

Emotional integration and clearing

Chakra clearing and balancing

Addressing causes of stress, panic, anxiety, depression, loneliness, phobias and more

Support on the journey from abuse to recovery to thriving

Resolving trauma and experiences that affect your life

Being heard, seen and understood on the journey to wholeness

For individuals, couples or groups. Each session lasts for 1 – 1.5 hours and may include bodywork, energy work, dialogue, movement, relaxation, story, journeying, reiki, sound, ritual and more. Available Mon – Friday and some Saturdays.

Rate is $110 /$90 per session. Sliding scale avail. Sessions are held online, St Kilda and Warburton. To book, please click on: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14462898

or contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or [email protected] or through this website

Cherokee Bodywork

Many Native American tribes had their own form of body work. Cherokee Bodywork  is a modality as taught to me by Native American healers Dr Lewis Mehl-Madrona and Dr Robert Crocker. This unique eclectic approach presumes a mind/body connection and includes an understanding of pressure point and knot release, energy lines similar to the meridian system, joint release and subtle body work.timthumb.php

Cherokee body work proposes that ‘blocks’ can be released by physical manipulation and by attending at the same time to metaphors that arise during the work  – a physical pain might be invited to ‘speak’, or imagined to have a physical body itself in order to glean information about a pain. These elements are documented in the SWIMMER papers held in the Smithsonian Institute.

For individuals, couples or groups. Each session lasts for 1 – 1.5 hours and may include bodywork, energy work, dialogue, movement, relaxation, story, journeying, reiki, sound, ritual and more. Available Mon – Friday and some Saturdays.

Rate is $110 /$90 per session. Sliding scale avail. Sessions are available online, St Kilda and Warburton. To book, please click on: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14462898

or contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or [email protected] or through this website


Maori healing & bodywork

Romi Romi is the deepest bodywork I provide. ‘Ro’ means ‘to work’ (internally), Mi means to stimulate the ‘Ha’ (breath) within the body to move obstacles created

Using breath, elbows, hands, stones and seawater, we open ways to get in deeper. The healing techniques used go beyond the tissue to the cellular NZ fernmemory to trauma or depletion that has been stored or held in the body. Deep held emotions are identified and brought to the surface that are linked to physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological problems. Space is cleared to allow for whole healing and transformation.

Profound release and shifts occur towards awareness, inner peace and multi-level harmony. Re-awaken your life force, let go of repeated patterns and exceed your previously held limitations!

Usually experienced on a massage table and fully clothed, it can also be done on the floor. My thanks to those teachers who trained me: Wikitoria and Arama.

For individuals, couples or groups. Each session lasts for 1 – 1.5 hours and may include bodywork, energy work, dialogue, movement, relaxation, story, journeying, reiki, sound, ritual and more. Available Mon – Friday and some Saturdays.

Rate is $110 /$90 per session. Sliding scale avail. Sessions are available online, St Kilda and Warburton. To book, please click on: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14462898

or contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or [email protected] or through this website


Are parts of your life not working for you or is it hard to find purpose and meaning? Do you feel confused and a bit lost? Feeling you are not quite embracing or stepping fully into life?sunlight through trees

A shamanic journey may help greatly. Using drum, clap sticks or other percussion, we journey to the spirit world to gain insight and assistance for you. This may be ancestral healing, soul retrieval or finding your spirit guide/s or something else.

Going into trance state we (some people are conscious of journeying with us while others don’t) travel beyond ordinary reality to access information or people or animals or others to assist in informing and allowing healing or change in any area of our lives including family, work, location, home, spirituality and relationships.

It is safe and all you need to do is lie down and relax. Many people enjoy writing or drawing straight afterwards as part of the integration process.

For individuals, couples or groups. Each session lasts for 1 – 1.5 hours and may include bodywork, energy work, dialogue, movement, relaxation, story, journeying, reiki, sound, ritual and more. Available Mon – Friday and some Saturdays.

Rate is $110 /$90 per session. Sliding scale avail. Sessions are available online, St Kilda and Warburton. To book, please click on: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14462898

or contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or [email protected] or through this website


The experiences of our ancestors can impact on our present lives. If various traumas and difficulties including personal, family, cultural, national or international events, crisis, migrations, famines, wars, diseases etc were experienced this could be passed down the ancestral lines.

web-of-lifeA-550If there is something in your life that cannot seem to be resolved, you cannot seem to connect with or you have a sense that it is bigger than just your lifetime, an ancestral healing may help greatly. Even if you don’t know what the issue may be, just wondering if there could be some ancestral healing needed, could be an intuitive call to do healing on this level.

We can only do ancestral healing with the permission of your ancestors. Over the phone or if you email me a picture of yourself, I can tune in with them and see if we can work in this way. If yes, we will make a time, if not then we can either do some other type of session or it may not be the time to do this at this point.

For individuals, couples or groups. Each session lasts for 1 – 1.5 hours and may include bodywork, energy work, dialogue, movement, relaxation, story, journeying, reiki, sound, ritual and more. Available Mon – Friday and some Saturdays.

Rate is $110 /$90 per session. Sliding scale avail. Sessions are held online, St Kilda and Warburton To book, please click on: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14462898

or contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or [email protected] or through this website

What people have experienced:

‘I have been blessed to experience the power of Phoenix’s healing energy in the past so can honestly vouch for her work’

‘The lioness removed many swords, sucked out poisons and she filled the spaces with light and her breath of life…she also cut ties with toxic past partners…all the missing parts of me I hugged back into myself. Thank you for gently holding me for my journey, allowing it to unfold and being so understanding of my non-verbalness. I feel very healed. Thank you.’

‘Wow. I experienced life and death and everything in between, in my body, in my whole being, I was left speechless, my rational mind trying to comprehend something so profound, so intense, so deep and complex, and yet so simple. After I came back, I felt this power, this strange feeling inside me, that I was more than myself, that I was many, I had dreams memories about my ancestors, powerful women, who walked this earth, matriachs who held their heads high, warriors with doubled edged swords on their hips, I felt my grand mother in my body, I felt her power.’

‘Phoenix, you took me into a space where you brought me in touch with my ancestor, from so long before, the impact of that experience is still resonating within my being. I experienced the death of my grand father in my body. After 15 years, I had closure. Thank you so much for that!!

My rational mind struggled, and this is what it has to say….such a safe space, a space that my body and soul remembered from generations ago, a healing space that my ancestors are so used to, that my whole being responded with such ease, with such intensity, with such familiarity. your healing transcends culture, language, space and time.’

‘It is true healing that any sentient spirit would recognise and respond to’ – Lakshmi

“Thank you so much for your support and caring. I feel encourage to open again and shine.” – Menka

“OMG…. Such opening to everything that is real… Heart especially…. So so grateful to you Phoenix… Love love love xo – Paul Constantin

“Have just had…an amazing session with Phoenix, and such a huge feeling of relief. I think she just helped me identify one of the most harmful beliefs I’ve had going in my life, that’s been massively influencing my reality. It’s not always easy to do that on your own, when everything about how we see the world – just is – the world. Now that I know what it is, and I know how to shift my beliefs, I know I can shift it, and I’m super excited” – Theo Kitchener


Hocoka is a Lakota sacred talking circle that I have been taught by two Native Americans: Dr Robert Crocker and Dr Lewis Mehl-Madrona. A powerful three round talking circle that can be held once, semi-regularly or regularly, it can be used for anyone anywhere, for instance just for you and others ie your friends, family, community, work colleagues, interested people, etc wherever you are (or in Warburton).

A person can also call a talking circle for a particular theme or an issue that any individual or group wants to focus on ie a celebration, milestone, a life change, illness, conflict, confusion, decision, community, team building …or just a sense that you want this to happen and leave it open and see what emerges.

The format is simple – an honest sacred space is created by the facilitator and a ‘talking stick’ is passed around three times. When the stick reaches a person they  can talk or not talk, saying whatever is there without interruption. People get to be heard, to have a voice, to participate in a circle without hierarchies, to get something off their chest, to communicate with the time and space that is not usually found in our busy lives.

We listen without judgement, we talk from the heart without planning and we open to inspiration.

‘When Council Fires were held or when a band or group made camp, the open space at the center of the circled tipis was called hocoka. It was a place of great importance, where the four directions, North, South, East, and West meet…By extension, hocoka is considered to be the center of one’s self and of the Universe.’

-Maggie Reid

Contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or [email protected] or through this website

stone feet circle

Retreats & Soul Quests

Need healing? Recovery time? To get away and be nurtured? To change something in your life or transform? Deal with issues or life changes?

Or do you just need time to retreat from everything?

There are individual retreats and self-retreats available at the Mountain Riverside SoulSong Sanctuary, 2 acres of forest tranquillity by a river and state forest. in the Upper Yarra Valley, Vic.

Soul Quests (similiar to Vision Quests) are also available that include solo time in the forest and involve preparation and integration. Please enquire.

For more information about staying at the Mountain Riverside SoulSong Sanctuary near a beautiful river, only 1.5hrs from Melbourne but a world away from the city, please contact me x.


Please note: we do not ingest anything including any psychedelic plants or herbs including ayahausca or any other hallucenogenic. There are plenty of healings and insights available in many other ways and ways that are more in your control and just as effective. Please enquire!