The Deep Expansive Healing & Transformation Retreat: Healing Your Hurts, Living Your Essence, Following Your Bliss
This is your invitation to spend a life-changing week in the nourishing space of a supportive healing community, connecting with the energies of nature and guided by your own innate healer, facilitated processes, the group’s wisdom and the synchronicity of Spirit.
Meditate in nature with simple, effective techniques and soak in the blissful silence of the forest apart from the soft burbling of the creek.
Over the weekend we journey into ourselves, our lives, bodies, souls and deep creativity and awareness. Relaxation and expansion accompany the slowing down of our nervous systems and we journey into areas of our psyches, capabilities, possibilities, bodies and nature for soul-fulfilling reflection, exploration and clarity.
We enter another space in ourselves that bring forth deeper connections and expansive personal expressions as we discover fresh vitality and new authenticity.
Are you feeling tired, overwhelmed, depleted or unhappy? Join us for a sublimely relaxing day in a wonderfully natural place in the mountains of the Upper Yarra Valley, only 1.5hrs from Melbourne CBD to Release tension, restore balance and recharge mind, body, emotions & spirit.
The Deep Life Changer Healing & Transformation Retreat: Healing Your Hurts, Living Your Essence, Flowing Your Bliss
Time to get away and be in nature and community to heal, recover, take stock, find direction, be supported and find yourself.
Immerse yourself in this deeply transformative and nourishing journey into wholeness. Feel yourself releasing old wounds and awakening into new life as the group grounds and connects with the renewing energies of Springtime in the beautiful Murray region. This is your invitation to spend a month in the safety of a supportive healing community, connecting with the energies of nature and guided by your own innate healer, the group’s wisdom and the synchronicity of Spirit.
Viverra tincidunt consectetuer enim vel a, lectus quis placerat, in nunc, amet at sed duis id, ut dictum molestie nunc quis. Duis in vestibulum consectetuer dolor luctus congue, faucibus euismod eleifend vitae velit aenean ut,…
Vestibulum tincidunt fringilla gravida. Sed risus augue, congue sed ex et, ultrices mattis quam. Nulla tincidunt, erat non condimentum placerat, felis lacus blandit tellus, vel eleifend lacus augue vitae enim. Nam eget dui arcu. Vivamus sed leo aliquet, tincidunt tortor vel, accumsan mi.