
Upcoming Events

7-Day Process Healing & Somatic Transformation Retreat

The Deep Expansive Healing & Transformation Retreat: Healing Your Hurts, Living Your Essence, Following Your Bliss
This is your invitation to spend a life-changing week in the nourishing space of a supportive healing community, connecting with the energies of nature and guided by your own innate healer, facilitated processes, the group’s wisdom and the synchronicity of Spirit.

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Art Therapy & Restorative Yoga Weekend

Over the weekend we journey into ourselves, our lives, bodies, souls and deep creativity and awareness. Relaxation and expansion accompany the slowing down of our nervous systems and we journey into areas of our psyches, capabilities, possibilities, bodies and nature for soul-fulfilling reflection, exploration and clarity.

We enter another space in ourselves that bring forth deeper connections and expansive personal expressions as we discover fresh vitality and new authenticity.

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‘Mat-work’ is the main powerful healing and transformational core processes of Innate Wisdom Connection.
It is an opportunity for an individual (or couple / other combinations or family / household) to work through whatever is coming up in safety and with facilitation. 
Everybody else participates, shares in, and benefits from the healing journey that unfolds.

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Healing From The Inner Critic Pattern Course

Healing from the Inner Critic
Do you find yourself being hard on yourself or others?
Do you always tell yourself you should do better?
Is it never good enough for you?
Do you find yourself frustrated by your efforts or other people?

You may have a strong inner critic pattern and identifying, shifting and being freer of this pattern, allows better, freer, easier, deeper and more fulfilling relationships with yourself and others. It also unblocks potential, flow and substantial relaxation and better health.

Get to know and heal the inner critic also for more agency, empowerment and less impact and difficulty.

Does nothing you do ever feel good enough, or too much?
Do feelings of loneliness and worthlessness come up?
Do you find relationships or workplaces difficult to maintain or stay positive?
Does hopelessness, despair or lack of motivation come up? Or depression or anxiety
Do you criticise yourself or others?

The inner critic is a pattern that needs to be acknowledged, engaged with and brought into awareness so you can use the energy it holds for better things in your life and shifts can occur.

This series of four one-and-a-half-hour online workshops will help you to get to know, understand and negotiate with your inner critic so that you can have more freedom and energy.

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The Hero/Heroine’s Journey

Ancient cultures understood the importance of these psychological growth processes and used story, ceremony and initiation rituals to help guide people through the various challenges and trials that life throws at them.
Nowadays we lack such guidance and tribal support and many people are left struggling to figure it out on their own. If only they knew that countless generations of people have faced their own versions of these challenges and left a map for us to follow – the distilled wisdom of the elders encoded into stories and myths.
The Hero/Heroine’s Journey is week long workshop where we de-code that ancient wisdom in a way that helps us overcome and triumph over our own trials and suffering through unlocking our own hidden inner (and outer) resources. As well as drawing on Joseph Campbell’s work, we also draw on Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey. An unforgettable Journey!

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